My top health tip is. . .
A cup of warm water first thing in the morning and one hour before bed.
I don't eat meat because. . .
I grew up eating red meat but never really liked it. I experienced much more energy and felt better once I stopped eating meat and added a full array of many other foods.
I decided to change my life. . .
When I became ill. I could hardly get out of bed, lived with migraines and no energy. My boyfriend dropped me off at a macrobiotic food seminar.
It was the turning point in my life. I feel so fantastic on my healthy lifestyle. I [now] have tons of energy If I wasn't talking to you right now, I'd be. . .
Making aduki bean bake from my new book.
A phrase I use far too often is. . .
"It's my way or the highway, " or "your poo stinks to the high heavens."
I wish people would take more notice of. . .
What goes into their mouths.
The most surprising thing that ever happened to me was. . .
When a teenage boy dropped his trousers in London and asked me to sign his bottom.
A common misperception of me is. . .
I am a food fascist.
Whatever gave you that idea?
I'm not a politician but. . .
I am on a mission to change this nation's eating habits.
People are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.
Nutrient deficiencies are at epidemic levels. If you don't take positive steps with your health, you don't know how well you can feel.
The best age to be is. . .
Every age.