WITH all that money, with all those stylists, with every possible dress available to her, and Mariah goes for this. What does this dress say? You know by the smile on her face, she's thinking 'dang girl, you so sophistimicated'. But what we see is something that obviously got its hem caught underneath the Luas, dragging her around the Red Cow Roundabout, through a vat of glue, and finally into a wardrobe of seconds, wrapping a combination of velour and chiffon tragedies around her body. Clearly, botox has temporarily robbed Mariah of her sight, for no sane person could possibly allow themselves to be photographed like this, leaving the viewer to presume some poor dressmaker is just out of shot, pins in mouth rasping towards her people "not finisssshhhhed! !"
Or did Mariah turn up in a full dress, then in a combination of despair and anger rip the front off, hoping the lesser tragedy of looking minging would distract the world from her not so U2-like Grammy haul? Or standing at 6ft tall, maybe her designer thought he was making the gown for someone a little more diminutive, leaving Mariah to snatch a net curtain from her Four Seasons suite hours before the ceremony?