Cheap crisps
Forget gourmet varieties. Munchies, Meanies, Hot Lips and Jonnie Onion Rings tick that 'so bad they're brilliant' box right now.
The Yeah Yeah Yeahs
a) The new album's a corker,
b) lead singer Karen O is a style goddess,
c) the number one reason to go get your Electric Picnic ticket.
Paisean Faisean
Whoever thought up TG4's heady mix of fashion, dating and a cupla focail is a genius.
Diarmaid Gavin
Having rows at the Chelsea Flower Show? Respect! He doesn't seem quite so cuddly now.
Triple trending
Get a wide polka dot ribbon and tie it around your shirtdress and you're rocking this season's look, but in a subtle way.
'Limited edition' anything
Because we start to really love it, then they pull it from the shelves.
Taxi drivers without 'the knowledge'
Please buy an A-Z, just don't get cross when we don't know the way.
This season's footwear
Wedges . . . divine, but you can't really walk to work in them, can you?
Thursday off-licence queues Take it easy people. It's only one day.