Shoe addicts: created for chocoholics with shoe addictions, Jessica Walker's cute handmade chocolate stilettos are a real pleasure to devour. Packaged in a mini shoebox, they get our vote as novelty chocolate of the year.
Price 4.99, from Dunnes Stores Homeware, Brown Thomas, Superquinn, Tesco and Fallon & Byrne
Diabetics: diabetics can still indulge choc cravings with Aines Chocolates' new sugar-free bars. Handmade in two creamy flavours . . . milk chocolate and praline-filled . . . they passed the test with this sugar-loving chocolate fan.
Excellent products from a company that's been awarded more gold medal Great Taste Awards than any other Irish chocolate maker.
From Superquinn, healthshops nationwide and on-line at www. aineschocolates. com
Grown-ups: finish off a meal with one of Mazet's sensual chocolate fondues. In five grown-up flavours, the noir orange is fragrant, smooth and intense. Dip fruit pieces, nuts and marshmallows for a fun, interactive dessert. Delicious!
Exclusive to Terroirs, 103 Morehampton Rd, Donnybrook, Dublin 4. www. terroirs. ie