(www. mckinseyquarterly. com) TREMBLE before the intellectual might of the men from McKinsey - perhaps the world's heaviest hitters in big-brain consultancy. This podcast, offering 20 episodes of the consultants' latest thinking on, for example, who the winners are in the recent frenzy of merger activity - shareholders of the predator do better than the prey - and why and how China might be about to undergo an M&A boom. In its most recent episode we get a glance into a McKinsey analysis of the best way to figure out a reasonable rate of return on invested capital. Like any consultancy with more MBAs than an alphabet soup factory, McKinsey goes by the numbers - an analysis of 7,000 publicly listed non-financial US companies from 1963-2004, accounting for 99% of revenues of all non-financial US companies in 2004. If that sounds impressive, it's meant to be. And so when you're looking to win your next boardroom argument over ROIC rates of return, this might be a handy way to pick up some arguments while walking the dog. Or you can just drop, "well the most recent analysis from McKinsey says. . ." into your next performance review. Your boss will think you're too smart to fire.
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