WIND is often hailed as a main solution to our energy needs and, perched on the outskirts of Europe, we are particularly blessed by a favourable wind regime. But domestic wind use is practically nil, despite its obvious benefits.
This is down to a lack of support: not only is excess energy simply fed back into the grid with no benefit to the producer, domestic wind turbines are not supported by SEI grants. In the North, there are capital grants available, householders get a climate-change levy on every kW generated and any excess power is paid for when it reverts to the grid.
There is no reference to domestic wind turbines in Irish planning regulations but the Department of Enterprise is reported to be considering certain limitations, which could include masts of no more than 10m and turbines with a blade radius of no more than two metres.
Depending on wind conditions and site location, this could be enough for most domestic usage.
For further information, contact Westwind on 021 4394291 or visit www. westwind. ie