CROKE Park will be opened up to soccer and rugby for 2008 - that was the bottom line from a long meeting of the GAA's Central Council yesterday at Croke Park. The committee granted a request from the IRFU and FAI to allow them play three Six Nation's rugby and two World Cup Soccer quali"er games in 2008 at GAA HQ.
It was also agreed that "should planning permission be refused for the Lansdowne Road redevelopment or should any planning permission given render the project unviable, the 2005 Congress decision in relation to use of the Stadium is no longer applicable post 2008."
However it was stressed that consideration would not be given to the use of other GAA stadia for any rugby or soccer competitions and that applications had not been received from either the IRFU or FAI .
The Tyrone County Board have come under the spotlight in recent days for the strong views against the GPA and this was also highlighted at the meeting.
Players delegate Dessie Farrell stated that he hoped that matters would move on from there and expressed his satisfaction with the talks with the GAA currently in progress in relation to grants.
Tyrone delegate Brendan Harkin stated that he was bemused at a suggestion that there are welfare issues with the Tyrone hurling panel and stated that he intended seeking clari"cation from the GPA on that matter.