THE weight, in stones, of a giant Colossal Squid caught by the astonished crew of a New Zealand fishing boat.
The predator has eyes as big as dinner plates.
THE amount, in euros, that tickets for Saturday's rugby match between England and Ireland were going for on Ebay this week. At 15 times their face value, punters were still shelling out to watch the historical game in Croke Park.
THE number of claws Extra the kitten was born with.
Her New Zealand-based owners noticed the six extra claws when they realised they were being scraped more than usual.
THE age, in years, of a Co Kerry seaside cottage nearly demolished when part of a nearby cliff-top golf course landed on it last Tuesday. Its shaken owner, 62-year-old Mrs McGillicuddy, said the sea was "like a tsunami" before tonnes of rocks came crashing down on her roof.