Q I have an interview coming up for a summer internship with a professional firm. The only experience I have is from part time casual work. How can I prepare for this interview to sell myself effectively?
A Preparing for an interview when you feel you have little relevant experience can be daunting. However, you must take time to consider how you will sell the experience you do have.
Firstly, consider what skills you would use on a daily basis to be effective in the role for which you are interviewing.
Typical skills for 'professional sector' jobs include team working ability, strong communication skills, effective time management and so on.
Secondly, ask yourself can you meet the employers' needs? Do you have these skills? Work through all jobs you have held in the past and carefully examine where you developed these skills.
Chances are you developed communication, team working and client focus abilities.
Don't write off any job as being irrelevant. Make them all count.
For each skill you now need to think of an example that shows how you have used it in the past. Be specific. Think of one time you effectively communicated information, worked as part of a team or planned and prioritized your tasks. You also need to highlight in what way this example is relevant by linking it back to how this skill will help you to be effective in the role.
Get these examples down on paper and get comfortable saying them out loud.