Fafi for Adidas
Sexy tees from the cool French graffiti artist
Seriously good gigs coming up here with Julian Cope on 24 May, and Nouvelle Vague on 26 May
Mint Feasts
Welcome back. Please don't go away again
Eileen Shields
The Irish shoe designer's peep toes are soon to be seen on Eva Longoria in 'Desperate Housewives'
Alex James
His food writing or Damon Albarn's monkey king opera? No contest
Bagel burgers
Respect to Abrekebabra for doing something different but we're not convinced it's necessary
Clickair. com
Nine-hour delay after a 5am check-ins.
Poncey house names
We'll be Ryanairing henceforth It's just silly calling a semi-d something like 'Elm Lodge
Chain text messages
Nope, we're not sending it on to five more people
The Aero Bubbles 'hunk'
He's not good looking. He's just creepy