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AIB turn Laser on customers without asking first
Jim McGrath


WHO says you can't get something without asking for it? AIB current account customers will soon have a Laser debit card , whether they like it or not, as the bank confirmed this week it was phasing out cards only used to withdraw cash at ATMs.

There's a catch, however. Debit cards carry a 10 annual stamp duty charge imposed by the government. AIB will issue more than 800,000 debit cards to replace the old ones by the end this year.

Debit cards allow customers to pay for items at points of sale with money that will be drawn from their account, however having an additional service on the card means an extra 10 stamp duty if used.

The bank is approximately halfway through their process where customers receive the new upgraded plastic card but they are not required to consult customers before sending out new ATM debit cards "as long as people are made aware of the stamp duty implications, " a financial regulator spokesperson said.

The issuing of the cards has been welcomed by the Consumer Association of Ireland (CAI) but the bank has been criticised for not consulting their customers.

"If you put them in people's hands they are going to use them and will have to pay the government charges on them, " said Dermot Jewell, chief executive of the CAI.

"It goes against the general principal of consultation and agreement with customers. Having a debit cards is a good idea but it is something that is being forced upon customers."

AIB have defended their policy saying that customers are not compelled to use the service.

"Customers are under no obligation to use it and if that happens they won't have to pays stamp duty, " said AIB business development manager for AIB cards, Michael Grace.

"Every customer would have to get these anyway by 2011 because of an EU directive so we are just preparing for that, " he said.

He also admitted that the issuing of the new card service could take from their lucrative credit card business.

"There is always that danger, " he said. "But we are satisfied that we can manage the two businesses well. The trend nowadays is to use credit cards for the big purchases like holidays and debit cards at the point of sale. More functionality for customers is the key."

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