This month we're loving. . .
A-rated windows
WE'RE all familiar with energy ratings on white goods, but now we can find them on windows too. Windows can account for 30% of total heat loss from a house, which means a standard four-bed detached house fitting A-rated windows can save homeowners up to 500 per year in energy costs. Better still, the reduced energy requirements resulting from fitting A-rated windows will help to reduce our carbon footprint. If all 25.6 million homes in the UK and Ireland replaced their windows with energy saving recommended windows (which A-, B- and C-rated windows are), CO2 emissions could be reduced by 12.8 million tonnes every year. That's the equivalent of taking 840,000 cars off the road. Senator Windows is the first company in Ireland to introduce Arated windows here. For more information, contact your local Senator dealer on 1850 77 44 55.
www. senatorwindows. com
Lights out London
TWO of London's radio stations have teamed up to encourage Londoner's to 'switch off to switch on' to climate change this summer.
Their Lights Out campaign is set for 21 June, the longest day of the year when daylight is at its annual peak. The mass blackout of the city is designed to remind people that we all leave lights on unnecessarily around our homes and work places. With all that natural light available, it's a smart day for the campaign, which will hopefully garner much public support. Take part in solidarity or, better still, text your favourite radio station and ask them to get the ball rolling here. Lights Out Ireland . . . think we can pull it off?