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FRIENDS FOR LIFE - Gerry Lundberg and Sinead O'Doherty

GERRY LUNDBERG and Sinead O'Doherty are two of the best known PR people in the country, and as anyone who has ever met them can testify, they are the best of friends as well.

Sinead grew up in Sandymount with her parents Margaret and Jimmy, and her four older sisters. She studied Communications at DCU, specialising in PR, marketing and photography.

Gerry grew up in Raheny, with his late parents, Harry and Kathleen, and three brothers, one of whom is his twin, Harry.

He started off his career working in advertising and insurance, while doing amateur drama and Irish dancing on the side. He then joined the Brendan Smith Theatre Academy and became an actor, before starting his PR company 30 years ago.

Gerry lives in Ballsbridge, and he and Sinead are partners in Gerry Lundberg PR, which specialises in the areas of entertainment, film, and theatre.

Sinead on Gerry

I was 21 when I first met Gerry in 1997. The publicist Liz Reeves told me that Gerry was looking for someone for a few weeks, but I had to turn it down as I had committed to another firm.

The following week I met him coming out of Liz's office, and when we were introduced, he said, "Oh, you're the girl who won't work for me!" So I thought that was me scuppered as far as he was concerned.

However, the following year, I came in to cover for Gerry's assistant Dee who was on a three-month sabbatical, but she changed careers afterwards so I stayed on. The first thing I worked on was the Gaiety panto, Mother Goose, the year it had Schnorbitz the dog in it. It was very exciting and great fun, and a lovely thing to start off with.

My first impression of Gerry was that he was really nice. I hadn't got a clue when I started really, but he encouraged me and shared everything with me. He made sure that he introduced me to absolutely everybody, from Schnorbitz upwards, which was great. We have a lot of fun in the office because we have the same sense of humour, and although we take our business very seriously, we don't take ourselves too seriously.

Gerry knows everybody, and everything about everybody, which is great, because he can remember exactly who was in what play 30 years ago.

His desk in the office is always a mess.

To be fair to him, he can always find anything he wants on it in seconds, and likes to have everything near him for when he needs it, but I love to have a very tidy desk.

I recently started doing all of these little cookery courses that Gerry jeers me about. I took a day off to do a breadmaking course, and now he opens conversations with, "You know Sinead makes bread?"

Gerry cycles everywhere, and he'd be a familiar figure around the city on his bike, whereas I'm on buses, and darts and trains. He told me at the beginning that if I survived five years with him, he'd buy me a bike. I'm ten years there now, and trying to avoid the bike.

Gerry is incredibly generous in very sense of the word. The thing I probably enjoyed most was the first time we brought a group of journalists to see Riverdance in New York. I was completely amazed by New York, and Gerry said that I should do a tour of the city before I left.

Then on the last day, he said, "We should do that tour now." I couldn't believe it, he had organised a helicopter tour of the city, which was just amazing!

Gerry on Sinead

I was looking for someone to cover for Dee for a while, when Liz Reeves told me about this young woman next door who had just finished her degree and was doing some temporary work. So I said, "Send her in for a few weeks, " although I dreaded getting anybody new, as they had to be able to put up with the job and with me.

There are some wonderful exceptions, but I don't particularly like PR people, and thankfully Sinead was one of the exceptions. She wasn't like a typical PR person, which was great. So many of them read a newspaper article and suddenly they're experts in PR. Sinead is always so efficient, and although I'd have had different temporary people in the office over the years and would have to be very careful sending them out to clients, that was never the case with her.

One of the most enjoyable things we did was the PR for Bord na gCon. We were thinking of publicity angles, and we came up with the idea for the Late Late Show dog. It was a fantastic success, and Pat Kenny, Kathy and the kids were great supporters, and we all had a lot of fun.

It's a very sociable business that we're in really, although it can be very stressful at times. Sinead's friends and my friends all get on really well, and very few of them have real jobs, which is great. It would be a disaster if we didn't get on as well as we do, because we spend so much time together. Two of our big projects every year are Riverdance and the Dublin Theatre festival, and the fun part of our job is trying to come up with ideas and angles that people might be interested in.

Outside of work, I like to spend time at my apartment in Spain and go swimming and walking. The brilliant, and sometimes frightening, thing for me, is that I could go away for four months and wouldn't need to be too worried about what was happening with the business. Sinead's best quality is her exuberance, and her worst is one that I share, because she worries about the gigs too much, and I do as well.

Sinead is almost more to Gerry Lundberg PR now than I am at this point, so when I relocate to the Bahamas, I'll only have to pop back every few months to see her and it'll all be grand. She's doing most of it now anyway. I'm very fortunate really, and if she ever wants to get married and leave, I have people in powerful positions in the underworld who can sort that out . . .

it'll only take a few phone calls.

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