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Days Like These - 'The children suffered but still refused to attendworship'

Freeman's Journal 6 August 1841 South Dublin Poor Law Union . . .

IT MAY be in the recollection of our readers that on the last board day the guardians then assembled had ordered 10 boys, whose ages were from seven to 14 years, to be reprimanded, to undergo solitary confinement for four hours on each of two days, and to be, during that period, kept on half diet, for refusing to attend the Protestant worship and Protestant religious instruction; also, that on the expiration of their punishment they should be expelled from the workhouse, by order of the board on the ensuing day of meeting, in case they still objected to return to the Protestant persuasion, as members of which, on their admission to the institution, their names had been entered on the registry. The Chairman now read the master's report, which stated that the children had suffered the sentence as to the confinement and half diet, but they still persevered in refusing to attend at Protestant worship, or to receive Protestant spiritual instruction. Cllr Mackey said it struck him as being very odd that where they had two Protestant chaplains, and a Protestant schoolmistress, the Protestant children could not be got to attend their religious duties. They had but one Roman Catholic chaplain and they had never heard any complaint whatever from that side. . . Mr O'Dwyer did not consider it as being at all extraordinary that children should revert to that religion in which they had been brought up. The children had already been punished, and that most illegally, for refusing to be brought up as Protestants, and they still avowed their determination to be educated in the Catholic faith; and would they [the board] now venture, by inflicting further punishment, to have their names drawn down as intolerant bigots

Evening Herald 5 August 1950

THE opening date for the regular broadcasting of the ringing of the Angelus, at 6pm daily from the ProCathedral, Dublin, is 15 August, the Feast of the Assumption. The proposal that the Angelus should be broadcast daily at 6pm, and that it should serve as a time signal, came from His Grace the Archbishop of Dublin, the Most Rev Dr McQuaid.

The following is a brief description of the Angelus equipment: - Since the first stroke, or bell of the Angelus was to be a time-signal for 6pm it was necessary to design equipment that would be fully automatic in action and controlled from the master-clock at the GPO, Dublin. The equipment of the GPO consists of (1) an electrically operated 'programme' clock to transmit the standard Angelus 'code' of 3, 3, 3 and nine electrical impulses to the striking-gear at the Pro-Cathedral, and (2) an electrical time-switch with associated relays to prepare the circuits for the transmission of the code at 6am, noon and 6pm daily. At the Pro-Cathedral the Angelus therefore will be rung automatically in future at these times; but it will be broadcast at 6pm only.

There are three underground lines from the GPO to the Pro-Cathedral. One of these is from the Studio Control Room to an amplifier and microphone at the Pro-Cathedral, the microphone being located near the bell and housed in a weatherproof box. The second line is used for switching on the amplifier automatically at five minutes to the selected hour, and for switching it off again at five minutes past the hour, by means of the time-switch at the GPO. The third underground line conveys the Angelus code to the strikinggear at the Pro-Cathedral.

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