How long do nappies take to decompose?
Ordinary nappies are sent to landfill, where they break down slowly over decades, releasing greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming. Eco nappies are easily turned into useful compost in weeks, and used to grow trees that absorb greenhouse gases.
Do nappies account for much waste in Irish landfill sites?
About 40,000 tons of baby nappies are land filled every year in Ireland. That's a small part of all landfill, but a large waste of resources that should be composted instead.
Are eco nappies much more expensive than regular nappies?
Being made in smaller quantities than ordinary ones, eco nappies are in the premium price band for disposable nappies, but peace of mind is included in the price.
Will washable nappies ever come back in to vogue?
Busy parents find it difficult to adapt their lifestyles to washing nappies. Independent studies show that washable nappies are no better or worse for the environment than ordinary disposable nappies.
www. ecobaby. ie sells eco-friendly baby products.