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DERMOT O'LEARY, TV presenter


The soundtrack to my life. . . There's a great song on Bruce Springsteen's The Wild, The Innocent and the E Street Shuffle called 'Meeting Across the River' which is about a last chance for a small-time hood. I always used to play it when I got dumped . . . it always made me feel hopeful.

You may not know it but I'm very good at. . .

American Football (below). Weird I know, but I played it between the ages of 15 and 24.

I loved it; I think I can run quite fast.

A book that changed me. . . Band of Brothers by Stephen E Ambrose. As an Irishman, I never grew up with the traditional grandfather-in-the-war stories but this made me realise how a whole generation made the ultimate sacrifice.

Movie heaven. . . Jaws was my first favourite movie. The first time I saw it, I was so scared that my grandfather hit the telly with his stick to prove he could kill the shark.

Comfort eating. . .

Sausages and mash. I live near the best butchers: F Godfrey in Highbury. They do a sausage called "The Director's", truly something else.

I wish I'd never worn. . . When I worked as a researcher on Light Lunch I finally started to make money and got a terrible bolerostyle denim jacket. My friend Drew, who to this day is my style barometer, ribbed me and I never wore it again.

All my money goes on. . . My Arsenal season ticket . . . and eating out, of course.

At night I dream of. . . I used to dream that I was on a rollercoaster and that my teeth kept falling out. Analyse that!

My favourite building. . . The Monument, the most underrated of London's tourist attractions.

My biggest regret. . . That I constantly fail to live up to the rule: "Think like a man of action, act like a man of thought."

It's not fashionable but I like. . . Mackerel is the greatest fish; beats the shit out of sea bass any day.

If I wasn't me, I'd like to be. . . Bob Harris. I work with him at Radio 2, and he's a true gentleman.

The shop I can't walk past. . .

the Monmouth Coffee House in Covent Garden and the Paul Smith shop round the corner . . .those shoes.

Dermot O'Leary presents 'Big Brother's Little Brother' on Channel 4 and 'The X Factor' on ITV 1

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