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WINNING -A deep sense of values will weed out the jerks
Jack and Suzy Welch


Q How do you weed out the bad apples in an organization?

David Michalek, Bartlett, Illinois

Q START by putting down the pruning shears and picking up a buzz saw.

Look, nothing hurts a company more than when the bosses ignore, indulge or otherwise tolerate a jerk . . . or two or three . . . in the house. Such latitude undermines organisational trust and morale. Without those, the competitive lynchpins of collaboration and speed are just plain harder . . . not to mention the fact that jerks take the fun out of work.

But before we talk about how to get rid of jerks . . . or bad apples . . . let's be clear about who these people are. In business, you can divide employees into four categories by looking at them along two dimensions: how well they perform . . . that is, how often they make the numbers . . . and how well they demonstrate company values.

Now, "values" is a lofty and somewhat vague word but all it really means is "behaviours". Values are how companies want their employees to act, which is why most lists include virtues like integrity and fairness.

Those are necessary, but any list of values should also be linked to strategic goals, so a company could, for instance, add values that say: 'We think and act globally, celebrate teamwork, show a strong bias for speed or approach problems with urgency.'

Back to the four types of employees. The first includes people with good performance and good values. With these winners, management's job is easy . . . nurture, reward and push onward and upward. The second encompasses employees who have neither good results nor good behaviours. Again the job is easy: show them the door.

A third kind of employee may deliver weak results for a year but still exhibit all the behaviours you want, so managers should give these well-intentioned people a second or third chance. They may have a particular performance issue, but they're not jerks.

No, that's the fourth kind of employee. This is the worker who delivers the numbers but doesn't live the values. You know the type.

Who doesn't? They exist at every level in almost every organisation.

These high performers can be mean, secretive or arrogant. Very often, they kiss-up and kick-down. Some are stone-cold loners, others moody, keeping those around them in a kind of terrorised thrall.

And yet, too often these employees remain unscathed. Sure, their bosses might rebuke them but things usually don't change. There's been no sting.

Indeed, most of us have probably been guilty somewhere along the way of letting the burning desire for good results cover up the sins of an employee's poisonous behaviour.

We've squirmed . . . and looked away.

You can't do that! If you have a jerk problem, you have to stare it in the face. And that process can only start with a transformative eureka. Company leaders must come to believe that jerks hurt the organisation more than help it. While their results are great, their collateral damage to the culture and overall competitiveness is far greater.

Once the leadership buys into that line of reasoning getting rid of jerks is pretty straightforward.

Managers have to make sure everyone in the company knows the values. They have to demonstrate them themselves, lavishly praise and reward them in others, and basically talk about the values to the point of you gagging. In fact, the values have to be so blindingly apparent to people in the organisation that if someone doesn't live them, the interloper would be spotted immediately.

But the real clincher in ridding an organization of jerks is to remove the ones you have, and do so with public fanfare. It's just wrong to can a person for a values violation and then soft-pedal the event with the story line, 'Joe left to spend more time with his family.'

Leaders need to say, 'Joe had to go because he did not think globally' or, if diversity is a value, 'Joe was asked to leave because he was not gender- and race-blind in hiring.'

Every time you get rid of a jerk, don't miss the opportunity to make it a teaching moment.

Pretty soon, people will learn the consequences of jerk behaviour have a steep price indeed.

Now, no organization will ever weed out all its jerks. Some will slip by because their performance is so terribly good or their bad behaviours are so frighteningly subtle.

But you can never stop trying to weed out bad apples. They're just rotten for business.

Jack and Suzy Welch are the authors of the international bestseller Winning. You can email them questions at winning@nytimes. com

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