I'm approaching the last round interview. How do I secure the best package?
Like the interview, you must be prepared.
If an offer has been made you can rest assured they want you. Now is the time to negotiate your salary and benefits package. Be firm in asking for what you want.
Research the internet, look at the job pages in the national press and find out what your market value is. This will give you an idea of what kind of salary to pitch for. If a salary range is offered, go for the higher end of the range based on your experience. Be realistic and be flexible. If you stick to your guns your potential employer may refuse to meet you part way.
Remember that your salary is only one aspect of the package. Increasingly companies are offering remuneration packages where a fixed sum of money can be divided over salary and other benefits.
Pay particular attention to your pension. What pension/PRSA plan does the company have in place? Can you make additional voluntary contributions (AVCs) to the scheme?
Similarly, what other benefits are being offered e. g. healthcare subscriptions, educational support, professional memberships. Where discretionary bonuses are offered, be very clear on the criteria required to get it.
Finally, remember the key to any negotiation is shared benefits and outcomes- to ensure everyone is happy.