A SCARY story for Halloween! There are golfers waiting as much as 25 years for membership of a club.
It is to be hoped that they will be fit to walk the course when they do get on. That horrific waiting list comes from the University of Michigan but here it is different.
Waiting lists were all the vogue in Dublin 30 years ago, but some are advertising nowadays. Others are fastlaning friends and relatives at the expense of the unfortunates who married badly, in the golfing context, or don't work for the right institution.
It may be whispered, but never proven, that people have submitted themselves to tiresome periods on club committees in order to get in position to help others into the club. Power rests within.
Pity the poor man without. Like the very rich man from New York, known to this writer, who decided to spend more of his time in Florida and to seek membership in an exclusive club there.
It took a year to get him into position for election.
Everything looked good and then he went to one cocktail party too many.
During the course of one evening, he fell into conversation with a lady whom he found boring and, being honest, he told her so and added the opinion she was a stupid bitch.
Unfortunately for him she happened to be the wife of the chairman of memberships! In Florida high society you are out when you are out and he found it wise to sell up his lovely new home and go back north where he is one of the 'ins' and not one of the 'outs'.
Things aren't nearly that bad in Dublin. But they may seem so if you are not an 'in'!