AN Bord Pleanála says it has no record of any appeal from a councillor who told constituents he had officially objected to a controversial south Dublin development.
Fine Gael councillor John Bailey confirmed he had circulated around 100 letters outlining his opposition to two controversial development proposals at the former Dun Laoghaire Golf Club lands.
However, the planning authority said there is no record of any such objection to one development, while the second has not even been referred to them.
A spokesman said: "I don't see anything from anyone by that name on file."
A local source complained that the self-publicised move may have prevented various resident associations from filing their own objections.
"I sent my application in as normal, as I do all the time. I can't gather what they have done with it but I have sent it in," Bailey told the Sunday Tribune.
He also explained his decision to make two objections to separate applications in the one letter, even though appeals to individual proposals must be kept separate.
"If I did that I made an error," he said. "I am drawing their attention to the totality and the ramifications of doing that site. I never professed to be a planning expert."
The leaflets, circulated to residents in the vicinity of the development last November and printed on Fine Gael headed paper, outline his reasons for objecting. Bailey maintains he has a history of opposition to the proposed works.
However, a local source said at least one residents' association in the area decided against spending money on an objection on the basis that Bailey had covered the general concerns.
In response, Bailey said: "I don't think that is the case. All the residents' associations do their own objections; I usually put mine in at the end. I put mine in as an individual."
One of his two objections relates to the Bowls Club, on the site of the former golf club, but this has not even cleared planning at Dun Laoghaire Rathdown county council, let alone been referred to the appeals body.
The second objection relates to the northern site of the property at Glenageary Road Upper and Eglinton Park, consisting of 605 residential units.
Bailey said he submitted a joint objection to both sites on the grounds that there had been no environmental impact statement or traffic management plan, and because of devaluation of existing properties, among other reasons.
The controversial proposals have led to serious local concern.