Fiction Silence is gold dust: Lodge renders the isolation of deafness comic Deaf Sentence By David Lodge Harvill Secker, /14.
Non-fiction Renegade: The Life and Times of Mark E Smith By Mark E Smith Viking £18.
Fiction A splinter in the eye and an eye for death's details THERE is a scene in John Connolly's new novel in which a man emerges from an incident of utter carnage with a massive wood splinter
Paperbacks: Tom Widger The Dying Breed Declan Hughes John Murray ?16.
Books Smell my first edition: sniffing out chemicals may save old books DESPITE FEARS the internet could kill off the printed word, death by natural causes may be a greater threat to our literary heritage and scientists
Paperbacks: Tom Widger Goodnight Ballivor, I'll Sleep in Trim A Childhood Memoir By John Quinn Veritas, npa, 196pps THE intriguing title, we are told, is "shrouded in mystery",
Fiction Time to stop apologising for Marian Keyes This Charming Man Marian Keyes Michael Joseph, 14.
Crime fiction Complex and satisfying tale of the products of dysfunction The Semantics of Murder Aifric Campbell Serpent's Tail, £9.
Fiction Conflicting memories The Secret Scripture Sebastian Barry Faber and Faber, /24.30 ONCE upon a time there was little deviation from the de Valera-endorsed official history of Ireland.
Paperbacks: Tom Widger Donkey's Years Memories of a Life as Story Told Aidan Higgins New Island npa 336pps NOT only have publishers dispensed with editors, neither do they
Fiction Sickly sweet, but no Angel delight The Third Angel Alice Hoffman Random House 15.99 MADDIE and Allie Heller are sisters.
Non-fiction Masterful account of old wounds tearing Iraq apart Muqtada Al-Sadr and the Fall of Iraq Patrick Cockburn ONE of the more remarkable aspects of the Iraq war is how, even now, more than
In the picture --- Moving snapshot from the other side Elliott Smith Autumn de Wilde Chronicle Books 223pp 26.
History -- Unravelling Redmond: the hero, villain and enigma Redmond The Parnellite Dermot Meleady Cork University Press 49 THIS is an important book.
BOOKS -- United Arab laureates IT'S BEEN published in 38 countries, translated into 42 languages, turned into an Oscarnominated movie . . . and sold more than 10 million copies.
The small picture ANNE Shirley may be celebrating her 100th birthday this year, but this cheeky redhead, a cultural icon in her native Canada, hasn't lost any of
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