Revamp: the paper's website

The Offaly Independent in Tullamore is Ireland's first major provincial newspaper to adapt the freesheet model.

As of next Friday the Celtic Media-owned newspaper will no longer be available at newsagents. Instead, 15,000 copies will be distributed free of charge throughout homes and supermarkets in Offaly.

The move is due to a restructuring within the company and will result in the loss of two full-time jobs following internal deployments elsewhere. Last week management informed workers it would be making cutbacks in the coming weeks.

There have been a number of changes to the title in recent months, including a change in the publication day from Wednesdays to Fridays, and the distribution of free copies to the newer areas of the county in an effort to boost circulation figures.

The launch of the new full-colour 48-page Offaly Independent will include a revamp of the paper's website.

As well as the Offaly Independent, Celtic Media publishes the Westmeath Independent, the Westmeath Examiner, the Meath Chronicle in Navan and the Anglo Celt in Cavan and employs a total of 200 people.