THE GREEN Party is planning a 'national Green house party' on election eve despite the junior coalition partner's poor opinion poll results this weekend.
A number of the parties will be streamed online as the party aim to garner eleventh hour votes via the internet during the customary election broadcast moratorium. This moratorium prohibits TV and radio stations from coverage of the local and European elections on the entire day before polling and until 10pm on Friday night when polling stations close.
The Sunday Tribune has learned that the party is going to celebrate the end of the grueling election campaign with a series of parties in supporters' houses and bars across the country this Thursday night.
Green ministers John Gormley and Eamon Ryan and the party's election candidates are participating in the innovative event that will be streamed online. They will also make themselves available for an online question and answer session for portions of the evening.
A party spokesman said, "We're going to be billing it as an invitation to 'The Green Room'."