the website captures the essence of Dublin humour. Dubs love to observe everyday situations and laugh at them by putting their own dark humour into it.
the urban legends are easy to spot. The same story will come in four times a week from different users and we realise that we know the punch line already. You have to watch out for that.
we both have day jobs I [Gerard] process financial data and I work in the evening times, from four until about half 10. Sinead is cabin crew with Aer Lingus. Overheard in Dublin only takes 10 minutes to update.
to be honest the Cork sense of humour isn't that different. In Dublin you get the word 'skanger'. In Cork, you get 'langer'. Terms like that are different but fundamentally it's the same Irish humour.
sinead and i are close and we've always gotten on. I'm friends with her friends and she's friends with mine. In a way, we're like chalk and cheese. I'm more technical and she's better at editing the stories. She's very bubbly whereas
I tend to take a backseat.
one of our favourite stories is the one overheard at a table quiz in the Vaults.
Quizmaster: "Name the bird of peace."
Random shout from a table: "Mother Teresa."
another favourite, which was overheard on the 16a bus, is:
Girl: "Did ya see 'You're A Star' the other night?"
Guy: "Nah, me Gran died so we didn't get a chance."
Girl: "Did ya vote for it though?"
Guy: "Yeah, Granny was there dead in the bed an' we were all textin' over her..."
we never predicted how well it would go. It was when we were five months into it that we realised we had some great content. Now three years down the road we have three books and we're just going to keep going. People say to us, "When's the Overheard in Dublin film coming out?"