The Real IRA has claimed responsibility for killing Sinn Féin's former chief administrator at Stormont and long-serving British spy, Denis Donaldson and threatened to carry out attacks in Britain "when it becomes opportune".
In an interview with the Sunday Tribune, a representative of the Real IRA Army Council revealed exclusive details of Donaldson's murder and of the gun attack on Massereene British Army base in which two soldiers were killed.
The Sunday Tribune today prints the statement which includes a stinging denunciation of Sinn Féin deputy first minister, Martin McGuinness, who has branded the hardline republicans as "traitors".
Donaldson was murdered at a remote Co Donegal cottage three years ago. Until now, the identity of his assassins, and their exact motivation, has remained a mystery. The Real IRA is due to publicly admit killing Donaldson at a 32 County Sovereignty Movement Easter commemoration in Derry tomorrow.
A "member of the republican movement" is to read out a statement in which the Real IRA threatens to kill young Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) recruits if they don't leave the force, and issues a "final warning" to civilians providing services to police to stop or be "executed".
'Tactical use of armed struggle'
When asked if the Real IRA planned to attack Britain, the Army Council representative stated: "When it becomes opportune.'' He said that the Real IRA's strategy is not to return to a sustained campaign of violence but to "engage in tactical use of armed struggle".
"The days of a campaign involving military operations every day or every few days, are over," the Army Council representative said. "We're looking for high-profile targets, though we'll obviously take advantage when other targets present themselves."
In the Real IRA's first interview post-Massereene, its spokesman said: "Taking military action against Sinn Féin leaders who are British ministers, or who urge nationalists to inform on us, isn't high on our agenda at the moment. However, that isn't to say this position won't change and, indeed change quickly, under certain circumstances."
The Real IRA Easter statement says: "A former comrade [Martin McGuinness] has come full circle and, with a knight of the British realm [PSNI Chief Constable Sir Hugh Orde] at his shoulder, he has labelled our gallant volunteers as traitors to justify his Redmondite stance and home rule politics.
"Let us remind our former comrade of the nature and actions of a traitor. Treachery is collaborating with the enemy, treachery is betraying your country. Let us give our one- time comrade an example. Denis Donaldson was a traitor and the leadership of the Provisional movement, under guidance from the British government, made provision for Donaldson to escape republican justice in the same manner as Freddie Scappaticci.
"It fell to the volunteers of Óglaigh na hÉireann to carry out the sentence and punishment demanded in our Army Orders and by the wider republican family. No traitor will escape justice regardless of time, rank or past actions. The republican movement has a long memory."
The Army Council representative said two Real IRA members, armed with a sledgehammer and a shotgun, broke down the door of Donaldson's cottage: "He just ran into the back room. There was a struggle, and he ended up on the ground. He didn't cry out or plead for mercy. He remained silent all the time."
The Real IRA said it wanted to hunt down all ex-informers. Its "prime target" is British agent, Freddie Scappaticci, who formerly ran the Provisional IRA's internal security and was responsible for the death and imprisonment of scores of republicans.
The Army Council representative claimed that although several guns had been seized in police raids following Massereene, the two weapons used to kill the soldiers hadn't been found.
Security experts were surprised the Massereene getaway car hadn't been burned out. The Real IRA spokesman said: "The car was doused in petrol. It was ablaze when our volunteers left the scene. Because a window hadn't been left open, the fire burned itself out."
In a chilling warning that nationalist youth who join the PSNI are in danger, the Real IRA statement says: "Let us be clear so there is no further ambiguity on the matter: any young person fool enough to join the colonial police in the belief that the leadership of the Provisional movement will protect them, or give them cover, is sadly mistaken."
Peace will never be until England releases her grasp on Northern Ireland. We are at war and have been fighting this war for over 800 years.
These are the same disgusting mad dogs who murdered 31 innocent civilians in Omagh, including children and a pregant woman. What do we expect of them but brutality and sterile hatred. Ireland has rejected them. Their time is past. If you know anything about such filth, tell the Gardai or the Police.
almost none wants the war back. It has cost alot for many people. The way forward is by talks not guns.
These people are such cretins! We've only just got over more than thirty years of brainless sectarian violence and all we want to do now is get on with our own lives. The Real IRA and their ilk are in a minority that is shrinking all the time and they know it. We, the overwhelming majority, need to tell them in no uncertain terms that they will never get their way with violence. It didn't work for the Provisional IRA or the UVF or the UDA. Stop living in a time warp! Grow up!
Given not only the very limited support base for this type of terrorism and the absence of any credible strategy, comprehensive defeat awaits the Real IRA to an even greater extent than that incurred by the Provisionals. Quite simply,the Real IRA is over a decade too late to influence the political process in the manner it thinks it can by murdering nationalist PSNI recruits and anyone else it perceives to be it's enemy - about 99.9% of the entire island's population. While I concur with Alan's comment regarding the need to vilify these people we will not have the luxury of simply ignoring their actions. While periodic, innocent people will die as a result of the dissidents detachment from reality which is so evident in this interview.
Why are the press giving these drug gangs publicity, your just contributing to glamorising what they do. Nobody needs to hear their reasons for why they have committed this murder or that murder. The people north and south voted for the GFA, let the ballot box work. This lot are nothing but a bunch of idiots. Stop interviewing criminals and pass on their names to the Gardai/PSNI. The press are contributing to this by not acting responsibly. Shame on you too.
These clowns have minimal support in nationalist areas where Sinn Fein's strategy is overwhelmingly supported at the ballot box.
The dissidents we see on the streets now were noticeable by their abscence when nationalist communities were under attack from the RUC, UDR and loyalists.
They opened their ranks to notorious local criminals in Belfast, taxed drug dealers and expect to be taken seriously when they wrap themselves in a Tricolour.
Thugs playin soldiers now the war is over
No ,we must never return to our violent past
Let's move forward and create a country that our children will be proud of
violence may not be the answer . It was however violence which brought about the withdrawel of british forces and the formation of a republic . It was also violence which forced the british government into negotiations in the mid 90's .
If they want war they will get it no problem, let them just try and attack the poor people in the UK in the middle of this economic depression and see the response that will come. It will be them that will end up dead. The SAS is always only a moments call away..if needed
There are obviously people out there who are dedicated to taking the province back into the Dark Ages.I'm sure that the governments of Eire and the UK working together can pursue these people and put them through the courts.They should not be allowed to dictate events.
This is really a lot of hype.They are riddled to the hilt with informers all the way to the top.They are simply wannabes with a few old weapons and have no support or money.
If Suzanne Breen has information about the real IRA or other groups and clearly she has contact with them shouldnt she be arrested and questioned about withholding information. Isnt that charge still on the statute book or is it only reserved for Sinn Fein and the IRA Hundreds of Republican in years past were imprisoned on that charge....
Long in the tooth
do not publish my e mail address
It's hard to believe that we still have a society where sick perverted cowards such as CIRA and RIRA still operate. What needs to be remembered is this: they have family and friends who know what they are up to but, instead of doing the normal fair thing, these weaklings stand by and watch. The families and friends who stand by and watch are even more guilty than the cowards who kill and injure.
These same people then wonder how sickos like the Austrian Fritzel get away for years with sick behaviour. Answer: because every sicko has an even bigger group of sickos who know or suspect what's going on but are too stupid to see that they are part of the problem and too cowardly to act and prevent them from carrying out sick acts.
The estates, neighbourhood, families, and communities these sickos live in and come from are not blameless, these are the ones who must take responsibility for doing nothing to save children from perverted behaviour. Killing a child's father or sexually abusing a child all constitute abuse. Those who murder and those who protect them are not Irish or human. The only thing green about them is they are scum.
Well Said Mary.
Some people would stir up any dead dog for a story...
Suzanne Breen is an intrepid reporter who has done more than any other journalist to get the facts out about dissident republican groups. Why shoot the messgenger?
These morons are nothing but slow-learners who use the cover of violence as a smokescreen to hide their real motivation of greed and selfishness. They are up to their neck in smuggling, drugs and prostitution. They are only destroying the communities from which they emanate and are creating fear, misery and heartache. Roll on that sure day when they are all locked up, and ordinary Irish people are made safe.
proper targets if any should be,mcguiness,adams,and their crew for gettin into bed with the coloniol enemy,who weve being at each others throats,de past 30yrs,its the republican m.p's who've being gettin their wages and pension,expenses of the crown forces,and we talk about TRAITORS?
as long as dissidents can tap into historical memory (by calling McGuiness a Redmonite, et...) they stand a better chance of inheriting the mantle of republican mythology and thereby stealing the support of fence sitting republicans (of whom there are many.) Calling them animals, criminals, cowards and idiots, while insisting that an extreme response from security forces will stop them will likewise allow these groups to assert that history is repeating itself. Referring to the Provisional campaign as a failure will also increase the ranks of their supporters. The only thing that can stop this is isolation from OTHER REPUBLICANS and a renewed effort to cement a connection between the peace process and a 32 county nonsectarian state that all communities can thrive in.
"Eire is not free" and an "Eire unfree", will never be at peace. We are still occupied by the "British terrorists" in the Northern, part of this island "or have you not noticed" or "do you not care" of course it's the latter, shame on you. Maire.
It is no wonder we have brave people like the Real IRA in this country when twat's like "Francis" exist. I bet Francis is just a wee boy sitting at his mammies computer "playing", can I play with the computer mammy? I am fed up playing with my toy soldiers. Francis I think it is past your bed time. Sa leaba anois, Francis.
Why are you giving this v. tiny group their craved for oxygen of publicity - front page news, two full page inside story, editorial comment? Why do you offer them the justification that nationalists are still persecuted in NI?
These thugs and gangsters have lost the argument,the vast majority of republicans reject them.
They wont be happy until they have troops on the street again.
They have no chance of success and are going nowhere.
Where o where have the true Irish people gone. Have we been so diluted by the British for 800 years that we speak with a British tongue and think British. Tiocfaidh Ar La.
the time has come to ask all the people in the 32 counties to vote on a referandum to join the commonwealth, and unite ireland as one country with one goverment , everyone will be winners, and that will be the total end to the troubles
We are in a new century but feelings are the same.
Have we not forgotten the past but to remember the past is to honour and structure the future. England invaded Ireland many, many years ago but they never really left??? The fundamental question is peace but to obtain peace what will it take. Discrimination has not stopped but will it ever??? England does not need Northern Ireland and that is clearly shown so why hold on too it??? The Irish people should be allowed to control it's own destiny and country.
Very disturbing article. I agree totally with the editorial comment. The new era in Irish republicanism is no longer Easter Sunday but Good Friday. The irish people are sovereign. They have decided on a new departure. The previous justifications for political voilence no longer hold. The Irish people have overwhelmly decided on the current constitutional position. Anyone who uses violence in pursuit of political aims are denying the sovereign will of the Irish people. They are misguided and wrong. They will only cause pain and sorrow but hey cannot deny the right of the Irish nation to decide its own fate. They can not and will not suceed. There is no going back to the past.
I have a feeling, Paula, is really Mary, praising herself.
the real I.R.A dont care about suport they always say when their lack of support is pointed out to them. "sure werent the prisoners in 1916 spat on when they were brought to the prison ships". they are dangerous and need to be taken serious.
although i did here a great quote on this site about them "thugs playing soldier now the war is over"
The securocrats who control these organisations need to be reigned in by Gordon Brown if Britain is sincere about peace. These organisations mainly made up of criminal elements have no support strategy but can be dangerous. The peace process will prevail and Sinn Féin have given the Republican people strong leadership in how to achieve our aims through peaceful and democratic means but the British Government must now deliver and stop its dirty war in Ireland and let us get on with nation building for the sakes of our children
The only way Ireland will ever be free is through the brave volunteers of the Real IRA. How come the newspapers dont report the good stuff the Real IRA has done? They have 'punished' more drug dealers in the last week than the psni has this year! And they wont forget the real IRA's punishment as fast as the PSNI's one!
The method of policing aspired to(Paddy#33)has been tried and tested..it dos'nt work!it only creates Ghettos of fear and oppression.
In the 70s 80s and 90s the people of Ardoyne,New Lodge and Lower Falls felt as much intimidated by the PIRA as they did the British Army.
Time to move into the 21st century
These poor thickos really haven't got a clue. RIRA, you're not wanted and anyone expressing support probably has an I.Q. less than their shoe size.
Murdering scumbags and drug dealers, there is nothing patriotic about them and they are not furthering the cause of republicanism or a united Ireland
Paisley, McGuiness, Robinson, Adams; the lot, they are all tarred with the same brush. Once they get near the big magnet with the word POWER marked on it they soon get dragged in.
The sadly comical thing about it all is that good people actually died so that they could take a seat in what is no more than a "kiddy-on" assembly. Even the Donald (Dewar) Duck parliament(???) that we have here in Scotland has more powers, and that is really saying something.
This mob are no more than glorified councillors and yet McGuiness and Adams allowed comrades to die on hunger strikes just to achieve their lust for 10 minutes of fame. I just wonder what the families of some of those hunger strikers think about it all.
And by the way, I have no axe to grind one way or another but I prefer to see both sides of an argument before making comment and I think a few of the previous contributors to this article should act in the same way.
Both sides of the argument my arse.. There is no argument for killing Catholics who join the PSNI, the families of the hungerstrikers dont want to see young Catholics killed by drug dealing murdering scum. Patriots my arse. What are they trying to achieve by killing their own? How exactly will it help them achieve their aims?
perhaps people from the six countys see joining the (british) crown forces wrong....and please could you forward on your evidence of these groups being involved in drug dealing....or are u just getting involved in british (aka sinn fein) propaganda....?
If the NI assembly want to play this one smart they'll get a southener to head the PSNI and let him round up these nuts. The Island won't be reunited until both sides believe the state will protect all its people. The long game of building confidence over many decades is the only way to make it happen peacefully.
These republican scumbags have no place in Irish society anymore and are not the voice of Irish people. They have no support what’s so ever and don’t represent Irish people. The people who support these brain dead idiots are as bad as the killers themselves. People need to grow up and stop thinking about the past, the future is the most important thing now and we all want peace.
Bring back internment, north and south.Why spend extra money on defense budgets at a time like this?
Lock them up, along with the drug-thugs from Dublin and Limerick and throw away the key. Better still, castrate them and chain-gang them to fix the potholes.We do not need these attention seeking psychos. There are real problems to be dealt with for real people, rather than dealing with lunatics who are trying to make problems for society.
i would like to refer to no41 ian comment... could he clarify if they have support or not because he starts with having no support at all to the people who support these groups are brain dead (bit like yourself ian ) sounds like the kettle calling the pot black there we used to have another ian that used to come of with stupid remarks like that...thank god he's away....think before you write ian put some thought into it
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Nobody wants this all over again. The Irish as a nation have moved on. Violent ways will never gather support. People need to ignore or vilify these people and not idolise them.