Deal of the week
If you are looking for a relatively unique wedding or Christmas present without breaking the bank, check out the exhibition taking place at Designyard on Nassau Street over the coming weeks. The 100 @ Designyard exhibition features sculptures from established and new artists with just 100 of each available for purchase. Each piece retails at €100 so there's the chance to pick up something impressive for very little outlay.
Tip of the week
With Christmas on the way, thoughts inevitably turn to whether or not there will be a bonus this year. Business owners may be put off giving a cash bonus to loyal staff when money is tight by the extra cost involved through tax and PRSI. However, under Small Benefit Exemption employers can give staff a gift voucher worth up to €250 without troubling the taxman. Good for employee morale and for the business where you source the voucher.
Bad value of the week
Motor insurance has risen sharply over the past year, according to the most recent CSO figures it was up 14.9% year on year. So the news that almost all insurers surveyed by Deloitte recently said that they are planning to lob an extra 5%-10% and more on top of that is more than a little worrying. This, we are told, is due to the rising cost of claims though one can't help but suspect that the massive drop in industry-wide profits experienced last year can't have been far from their minds. If we keep going at this rate we'll be back to the bad old days when motor insurance was punitive and the sole reason for many keeping off the road.
Recession rates
Business Banking
Keep costs down by ensuring you are getting competitive prices on bank charges, and earning good interest on deposited money.
Best overdraft rate:
NIB @ 9.6%
Worst overdraft rate: Ulsterbank 15.05%
Best current account interest rate:
Halifax @ 7.23% up to €1,500
worst current account interest rate: Ulster bank @ 0%
Best demand deposit rate:
Anglo Premium Demand @ 3.1%
Worst demand deposit rate: BOI & AIB Demand @ 0.01%