Planning authorities in the North are expected to make a decision this week on the fate a proposed Tesco development which would be Ireland's biggest ever supermarket.
The proposal for a 130,000 square metre Tesco Extra at Bridgewater Park in Banbridge, Co Down, is before the North's Planning Appeals Commission, having been rejected by the minister for environment, Sammy Wilson, in June last year in the midst of strong local opposition. The Bridgewater Park developers launched an appeal, with the decision due this week. Tesco, led by Terry Leahy, has pledged to expand in Ireland despite the recession.
If given the go-ahead, the huge development, located on the main Dublin to Belfast road, would be the largest out-of-town supermarket in Ireland. Supporters claim the store would generate up to 1,500 jobs in the Banbridge area and represent a €217m investment in the area.
However, the Northern Ireland Independent Retail Trade Association claimed that the development would have a negative impact on the community.