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The Sunday Tribune - Market Position
Young and upmarket
The Sunday Tribune has a readership of over 218,000 every Sunday. With 54% of readers aged between 25 and 54, 67% classified as social grade ABC1, The Sunday Tribune attracts a young and extremely upmarket audience.
Well-educated and career minded
Readers of The Sunday Tribune are well-educated, with 83% having a degree or post-graduate qualification. When compared to readers of other quality daily press titles, they are much more likely to view their employment as a career rather than just a job. 51% of Sunday Tribune readers are in full time employment.
Affluent urban professionals
The Sunday Tribune has the highest proportion of Acorn "Risers" in the quality press. Acorn "Risers" are typically young professionals and executives in cities and major towns, who are both affluent and well educated. 48% of Sunday Tribune readers earn a household income above the national average.
Sunday Tribune readers are tremendously loyal to their newspaper and difficult to reach via other media.Their loyalty to the paper is demonstrated by the fact that The Sunday Tribune boasts the highest percentage of full price sales of all national quality dailies and that the majority of readers would be disappointed if their paper was not available. The Sunday Tribune also boasts an extremely high solus readership 30% of readers do not take any other quality daily title.
Wide ranging interests
Sunday Tribune readers care about the paper they read and show a genuine interest in the global and national issues that affect us all. The paper is read by those in power and those who deliver the mandate. Our readers do not only follow developments, they set the social and political agenda.
Inquisitive and mischievous, Sunday Tribune readers love to see the headlines that were never intended for public viewing. With interests as varied as film, sport, society, entertainment, shopping, fashion and finance, The Sunday Tribune’s readership is a vibrant, eclectic mix of individuals. Their loyalty to their paper is testament to its vital coverage of all aspects of modern life. The Sunday Tribune’s content reflects its readers, their concerns and their passions.