Paul Ince

Paul Ince

What rubbed off The Guv'nor, like Ferguson, doesn't shy away from confrontation. In the past fortnight, Ince has squared up to both Ray Wilkins
and Joe Jordan in the tunnel. Wonder who he learned that trick from?

And what hasn't Ince's sentimentality in giving old buddy Robbie Fowler a short term contract is not something Fergie would ever have done.

Steve Bruce

What rubbed off Bruce likes a moan at referees, so much so that referee chief Keith Hackett has apparently stopped taking him seriously such is the nonsense he comes out with on a regular basis. He has been well coached.

And what hasn't With a 38 per cent win record across six different jobs in English football, Bruce certainly hasn't got Ferguson's golden touch.

Roy Keane

What rubbed off Keane seems to have spies in every pub in the north-east to tell him what his players have been up to. Be caught out and about when you shouldn't be and you'll find yourself alongside Pascal Chimbonda in the reserves.

And what hasn't The idea to bring in a sports psychologist on an occasional basis hardly came from the Ferguson school of pastoral care.

Mark Hughes

What rubbed off Hughes, like his old boss, wants to run his club from top to bottom, and sees the importance of Manchester City's youth system.

And what hasn't Hughes clearly didn't get his dress sense from Ferguson. While United's manager can resemble a homeless alcoholic when he wears a tracksuit on the touchline, Hughes refuses to be seen in anything less than a Saville Row suit.