Christy Cooney: delighted

The GAA yesterday agreed to proceed with the interim provisions of the GAA's agreement with the GPA after it was convincingly approved by 39 votes to five at Central Council. The result means that formal recognition of the GPA will be discussed at Congress next April. Having brokered a deal between the sides, GAA President Christy Cooney was naturally delighted with the agreement clearing the first hurdle despite vocal opposition from certain counties in recent weeks.

"I welcome the endorsement and support of Central Council and look forward to a motion now going before Congress next year," noted the Cork man. "As has been the case to date at every level of the association, today's vote was accompanied by a healthy debate and we will now proceed in the coming weeks and months to implement the interim provisions outlined in the agreement."

Yesterday's meeting at Croke Park also paved the way for rule changes for the forthcoming National Leagues and for a discussion on their long-term employment at Congress in five month's time. The specific rule changes will be made public in the coming days and are a result of a review process undertaken by sub-committees set up under the chairmanship of Séamus Woods (football) and Simon Moroney (Hurling).

Finally, Central Council also confirmed that from the 2011 season onwards, championship fixtures will not be given to any county ground that fails to meet the minimum standards for safety and general facilities laid down by the National Infrastructure and Safety Committee. A recent audit of all county grounds addressed issues that need to be addressed on a ground-by-ground basis and counties have been asked to resolve particular issues in the coming months, knowing that a failure to do so will see a potential loss of championship games going forward.