May 2, 2010
VOL 27 NO 18
Advertise here

Banner Ad 728x90px

    Frequently Asked Questions

    1. What type of ads can I purchase online?
      You can purchase button ads that appear on the right hand side of the website. You may use an image (png, gif, jpg) or text only for your advertisement, see the examples below
      Irish Translator

      Example image ad
      Example Title That links to your site

      A textual description of your advertisement that contains a limited number of words, content must fit in a 125x125px square.

      Example text ad
    2. How much will it cost?
      Each button ad costs €225/month.
    3. How many impressions will my ad get per month?
      Your advertisement will appear at least once in every 10 page views, this equates to at least 50,000 views/month (dependant on website traffic).
    4. When will my ad go live after payment?
      Every uploaded ad is moderated for unsuitable content. Your ad will go live after it has been moderated by


    Ad type Duration Cost
    1 week ad campaign 1 Week €60.0
    125x125px Button ad 1 Month €225.0
    125x125px Button ad 3 Months €600.0
    125x125px Button ad 12 Months €2000.0

    Island Ad 300x250px

    Button Ad 125x125px
    Click to create

    Website by Maithú™