HE is the master of entertainment and political performance and now Bono has proven himself a dab hand at business – just don't tell the Venezuelans.
The U2 frontman's investment company has raked in millions of dollars from the sale of a computer game company behind a controversial title which will hit Irish shelves this summer.
Bono's private equity firm Elevation Partners came under fire in 2005 for investing in Pandemic Studios, the US -based creators of Mercenaries 2: World in Flames.
The game sparked condemnation following claims it was based on president Hugo Chavez's administration in Venezuela.
Its storyline involved gamers taking on the role of mercenaries hired to free General Carmona, who was arrested following a military coup in the country staged by a "power hungry tyrant".
Originally due for release last year, it was later delayed and according to anti-Mercenaries 2 campaigners, elements of the game's plot, including its 'Chavez lookalike' character, have since been changed.
The Washington-based Venezuelan Solidarity Network (VSN) – which orchestrated a global pressure campaign against Bono and the game – claim both the reworking of Mercenaries 2 and the singer's exit from Pandemic as a coup for their cause.
"What we think and what he [Bono] admits are probably two different things," Chuck Kaufman said from the VSN office in Washington.
"He made a lot of money off the sale so that alone could [have been] a motivation. But I can't help but think that he wasn't happy when he had a tour in Australia and the Australian Venezuelan Network was following him around and creating bad publicity for him.
"He can't have liked that so it seems to me a reasonable conclusion that he sold because of the game."
Whatever his reasons for selling up, Bono's Elevation Partners – of which he is co-founder and managing director – cashed in on both Pandemic Studios and BioWare Corp in October last year in a deal worth $860m. The sale came less than two years after Elevation paid just $300m for the companies.
Electronic Arts (EA) bought up Elevation Partner's VG Holding Corp, which held both companies.
Bono's original investment caused a sensation over what were perceived to be contradictions between his business interests and his social and political message over the years.
At the height of the controversy last year, one observer on the VSN forum noted: "How can Bono be behind this Mercenaries 2 propaganda game and perform songs like 'Mothers of the Dispersed', 'Bullet the Blue Sky' or 'One Tree Hill'? How is this possible?"
The VSN said: "A violent video game attacking a country that has been targeted for 'regime change' by the Bush administration is more than just a game. Pandemic Studios has [also] designed training videos for the army and the CIA. "We don't believe they just happened to pick Venezuela at random as the site for a new video game."
Bono is a mighty man for talking out of the two sides of his mouth. Advocating help for the poor and third world obviously absolves you from the moral rights and wrongs of the rest of the world i.e. paying your tax and making profits on any which product you like never mind the moral stand point.