The whole of Ireland looks like the set of a dodgy horror film at the moment with scary masks and skeleton costumes everywhere. I love this time of year, and when I see the bright orange pumpkins growing, and the leaves falling off the trees I feel properly autumnal. Hallowe'en is just around the corner and it is time to scoop out the pumpkin and bring out your inner child!
Recipe in a sentence - Roast Pumpkin
Remove all the skin with a
knife, then cut the pumpkin flesh into cubes or wedges about 2cm thick, toss in olive oil with some sea salt and pepper, then spread out on a roasting tray and roast in an oven preheated to about 200°C for
20-30 minutes, until cooked and golden; halfway through cooking
add some chopped rosemary
or sage if you wish.
Here's a quick tip for using Pumpkin oil
Try and get hold of pumpkin oil (usually in specialist food shops or health food stores); it is amazingly nutritious and great used in salad dressings, or for drizzling over pumpkin risottos or soups
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