Deal of the week
The company won't thank me for encouraging this, but if you want to lose weight and find going to Weight Watchers meetings too embarrassing, you could try to doing it online. You will save money and lose weight if you have the willpower. Although Weight Watchers' Irish website points you towards your nearest meetings or sells at-home packs, it is possible for Irish people to register with the British website – by using a nonsense postcode – which allows you to engage with the Weight Watchers process online. It makes sense financially because the cost of signing up for the first three months is £49.80 (€56.31) whereas attending meetings in Ireland over the same period would cost you €130.
Tip of the week
If you haven't changed your phone or broadband provider in a while, now might be a good time to consider your options. Competition in the market is hotting up with the recent launch of Imagine's WiMax service, and you may find you are paying over the odds when similar packages are available elsewhere. Take a light home broadband user, for instance, with a one-megabit service: with Eircom they would pay €50.56, with WiMax, €25, with UPC €30 (no TV connection); and €19.03 with Irish Broadband. That's quite a difference.
Bad value of the week
Speaking of broadband providers, a reader recently found themselves on the receiving end of some incredibly shoddy service from UPC. Having booked a technician to come and install broadband at her apartment for Saturday morning (no time was specified so she had to stay at home and wait for the duration), the technician didn't turn up. When she called UPC to ask where the technician was, she was told these things happen and that there would be little point in booking a time in the afternoon because there was no guarantee they would arrive. Maybe that sort of thing was acceptable during the boom, but it's just not good enough at a time when most companies are falling over themselves to get new customers. If you are getting the same shoddy treatment, take your business elsewhere.
Deposit rates
Best demand account: INBS 3.75% (up to €20,000)
Anglo Premium Demand 3.1% - no restrictions (over €20,000)
Best 1 Month/30 Day: PTSB 30 Day Notice 3.25% (min €10,000)
Best 3 Month: PTSB 90 Day Fixed 3.25% Investec 3 Month Fixed 3.25% (min €20,000)
Best 6 Month: Investec 3.25%
Best 9 Month: Investec 3.5%
Best 1 Year Fixed: Anglo 3.5%
Best 2 Year Fixed: Anglo 6.61% (3.25% compound annual rate)