It's the question everyone was asking last week.
Is it on or off?
The answer is 'maybe' after former Miss World Rosanna Davison turned up with ex-boyfriend Wesley Quirke for a function at Harvey Nichols in Dundrum on Wednesday night.
After three years together, the couple split in April with both sides claiming they were "taking a break".
Since then, Rosanna has been jetting around Europe doing photo shoots for Hello! magazine and hanging out with Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie at the Cannes film festival. But could she now be coming home to Wes? This weekend her ex dropped a strong hint to us. "You never know what'll happen in the future," says Wes. "That's all I can say. I wouldn't rule it out. Myself and Rosanna still hang out and we're still good friends. Rosanna is one of the nicest people you could meet. We're not together all the time though. We try to keep it limited."
It was back in 2006 that the couple first met in Foxrock hotspot Club 92. Wes admits he still finds it hard to deal with the attention the high-profile relationship brought him. "I wasn't looking for that [the media glare], but I met Rosanna and that was that. I've gotten used to it now. Of course to a certain extent some papers write what they want and make you into a person you're not. Anybody in the public eye is going to be built up and put back down again and of course there has been stuff written which has upset me."
Although portrayed as a party animal himself, Wes says mostly he is on the dry.
"If I go out, sometimes I won't drink. I have a gym at home and want to be able to work out the next day. I'm doing a personal-training course at the moment."
For the most part though Wes devotes his time to developing new projects for his family's gambling business, Dr Quirkey's, including a new website which launched on Friday.
Along with the online gambling site, Wes says he dreams of expanding the family business on Dublin's O'Connell Street into a chain of casinos stretching across Ireland and Britain.
"Gambling hasn't been hit by the recession," he says. "When there's so little money around people dream about a big win even more."