shakespeare's the bomb. He's the real deal. He's the best to do. Every time you get up to rehearse you find something new within his stuff. I'm a big fan.
i wouldn't do reality tv. I think it celebrates mediocrity – there's no
artistic endeavor or achievement out
of it. It's voyeuristic and sensationalist, and it doesn't serve much purpose apart from being cheap entertainment. Not unless it's for some really good call or charity.
acting has always been in the back of my head. Even when I was a schoolboy I always wanted to do it. I went to UCD after school and I did arts there but I got involved in UCD dramsoc. It was a great place for me. You're really able to cut your teeth.
i found my way to acting or it found me without much thought or effort. But things happen for a reason. Parts come along or parts slip by, but it's what you do with what you get that matters.
what would i be doing if I wasn't acting? I have no idea. I can't imagine not being involved in this business in some way, shape or form. I'd be interested in photography or filmmaking or art maybe.
ross was a great experience. The play was called The Last Days of the Celtic Tiger and it was quite prophetic in what was about to happen. It was great fun to play to audiences who wouldn't be as well versed in theatre.
going to the theatre is a great night out. Even if you detest the show you still come away with something, you still have something to talk about, to ponder, to dwell on. For me theatre is all about holding a mirror up to society and saying this is how we are.
i don't think there's anything in
the country that isn't affected by the recession. Grants and funding, which theatre can't survive without, have
been cut. The Celtic Tiger didn't feature as heavily for us as it did in other professions. Therefore, hopefully, the recession won't affect us too greatly. You're in constant recession when
you're an actor because you're constantly looking for the next gig and the next job and where's it going to come up.
guilty pleasure? Drink. Guinness, Guinness, Guinness. I enjoy a good meal in a restaurant with a good bottle of wine. And I'm addicted to chocolate – well, a bit. I'm always looking for