Stop everything! Last week 2nite.ie launched. Because we, the brainless zombie public, are generally clueless as to what to do and where to go after work, 2nite.ie is kindly offering to help us. However, if you can look at the website without suffering some sort of fit you'll find out 2nite Entertainment Ltd is "a leading communication and information company specialising in the field of entertainment and spare time". That's right, a specialist in spare time. We wonder what qualifies someone to be an expert in such a field? Watching 1,000 episodes of Come Dine With Me and knowing where every special offer on Cadbury's Fingers is in every Spar at any given time? Then sign us up. Just as well they're currently looking for (unpaid) interns. The launch (we didn't go) was compered by Ray Shah. A little piece of advice for PR companies: any mention of 'Ray Shah' on any launch invite is actually an invitation to turn said invite into an International Bin Airport-bound paper plane.