Next week's launch of Xposé Live at the RDS raises again that oft-floated question: how many events in the RDS do you have to go to before you know what to do with yourself? Xposé Live offers you the chance to look at clothes, have people poke at you in the Pamper Me zone, and watch a fashion show, plus the bonus of making bunny ears over Glenda's head (footstool necessary) when she goes live on camera to TV3. Then the Ultimate Girls Day Out offers you the chance to look at clothes, have people poke at you in the Pampering Zone and watch a fashion show (ONE WITH GORGEOUS HUNKS, the website says) just in case you aren't salivating enough at some factory line free lipstick in neon plum. We think there's room for one more though: XploitFemMoneyLive! This three-day XTRAVAGANZA at the RDS is the ULTIMATE GIRLIE PAMPERING ADVENTURE featuring CLOTHES you can buy on any high street, HUNKS WALKING DOWN A CATWALK, and the TOTAL SPA ZONE where you can avail of the total spa treatment of your choice. Tickets are €20, but for a €30 VIP ticket you get to WALK IN ANOTHER DOOR. Amazing.