
Ritter Sports Butter Biscuits

They're not like the normal Ritter Sports bars because they have a biscuity bit in the middle. They're the perfect chocolate biscuit but they're hard to find. Aldi actually does packs of mini Ritter Sports bars, which do have the butter biscuits but then you have to eat ones like marzipan as well. I bought a large one in an airport recently and got through it in a few days. I'd eat them all the time except I'm meant to be on a diet for the new TV series.

All things Apple

I got an iPhone 4 recently and I love it – I Twitter and I Skype although I haven't used the 'Face Time' application yet because people seem to have the iPhone 3G, which it doesn't work on. I love gadgets and I've really gotten into the Apple stuff. It looks cool – they've managed to sell me purely on aesthetics. I have a MacBook and I'm thinking of buying an iMac but I've been told I'm not allowed to by my missus.

My wife

I'm partly saying my wife Kate, out of obligation because she'd kill me if I didn't but of course I do love her. She puts up with my moods and my anger and everything. I'm difficult to live with – I'm a difficult person in general.

True Love

It's brilliant. I've downloaded the first three series and am getting into the third. I love the music and the opening sequence – there's a little bit of nakedness if you look closely – and it has the best cliff-hangers that just keep you watching. It's got everything you want in a series: it's raunchy, it's gory and it has the V-Man, Vinnie from Home and Away.


Dublin Bikes

The people who cycle them don't know the rules of the road. They don't indicate, no headgear whatsoever, you see people cycling in heels. They're people who have just started using bikes for the first time since they were children and they cycle like five-year-olds.


I'm supposed to be getting in shape for the telly and it's just not working out. Either I'm not stretching enough or I'm not drinking enough water but I'm constantly in pain. I just don't think I'm designed to be exercised. I'm a much more lethargic human being. And I hate that I'm expected to look good for television. I'm expected to fit into a suit and I never wear them. I don't want to be an embarrassment and let myself down.

Mobile phone misuse

People who don't answer their mobile phones. They will inevitably get a nasty voicemail from me. On the subject of voicemails, I absolutely can't stand long voicemails. If you ring me and you leave a mad long voicemail, I'm not going to listen to it if it goes past three seconds.

Escalators not working

The escalator in the car park I use does not work a lot of the time. And there's nothing more soul-destroying than walking up an escalator as the steps are bigger than a normal stairs anyway. It's very upsetting, but I've little to worry about really. I should throw in something worthy as well – like the recession. Or the economy…