We'd become accustomed to Liz Hurley – sorry, our mistake, Elizabeth Hurley – hawking perfumes and beach kaftans and generally being a posher-than-thou gal about town. So the transformation from that to lady-farmer surprised us. Elizabeth twigged before the rest of the world that the once golden glow of celebrity would eventually be tarnished by Wags and reality TV, and if you had some land and a £2.7m Gloucestershire estate and donned a pair of Hunter wellies and a Barbour jacket, no one would ever doubt your posh credentials again. Her latest foodie venture, a range of organic oat and fruit bars (and strangely enough, beef jerky) is in keeping with her glamourpuss persona – all under a 100 calories, and guilt-free she promises. She's making us want to join Macre na Feirme.