It's hard to pin down exactly what's so amazing about a news anchor making mistakes. Perhaps it's because their portentous delivery turns every screw-up into a glaring failure, or maybe it's because most of them tip the scales of intelligence into all-knowing pompousville too often for their own good. Enter stage right, Sky News's Kay Burley. Burley isn't exactly employee number one down Sky News way, in spite of her high profile. When she kept snotting herself on Dancing On Ice, colleagues were said to snigger every time she limped into work; nor did she endear herself to fellow journos when she throttled a photographer who bumped into her outside a court in 2008.
But she's been on something of an Alan Partridge roll recently, which is outdoing even her bloop-filled 9/11 performance. (She announced that day that the entire eastern seaboard of the US had been destroyed by terrorists.) First up was Peter Andre. Pushed to the limit by Burley about how big bad bogeyman Alex 'cross-dressing cage fighter' (CDCF) Reid was going to steal Pete's kiddies, he collapsed in tears and ended the interview. Then last week came her conspiracy theory involving John McCain and a "nasty bruise" on his head. What could have caused it, Burley mused live on air. An accident in the Winter Olympics, perhaps? She guffawed, delighted with her own sparkling wit. Eh, no, it's Ash Wednesday, love. The Bring Back Grainne Seoige campaign starts here.
If you're going to ridicule people, at least get your facts right. It was Joe Biden, not John McCain she made the comment about. Whoops!