Chocolate - Anyone who knows me knows I have a problem with it. I love it. I love eating chocolate with a perfect cup of tea when I'm sitting down to relax in the evening. I love a Mars bar straight from the fridge or a Wispa dipped in tea. Not a day goes by that I don't eat it.
Baths - Just sitting in hot water with a few bubbles instantly makes me feel better. I've got an extra big bath too and it's best thing in the world to de-stress – it's like a cheap massage. Add some smelly candles and music and it's usually followed by a great night's sleep.
Hugs and kisses from my family - I'm an affectionate person but especially so with my three-year-old son Dara. He's so affectionate too. After some kisses he tells me, "We're best pals Mam." I doubt he'll be saying that when he's 15!
Saturdays - It's the one day that I don't have to be anywhere at anytime. When my alarm goes off every day at 6am I'm cranky for at least 10 minutes. But on Saturdays I wake naturally – that is such a good feeling. With rugby and comfort food, it's a day of pure chilling out with the people I love.
My iPhone - Anytime I've gotten a new mobile I've always said, "It's not as good as my last one." But since I got my iPhone I haven't looked back. My perfect day now is eating chocolate while in the bath playing with my iPhone (sad I know). I've told my husband and best friend I don't need them anymore now that I have an iPhone. When I dropped it the other day in the office I screamed, "Ahhh, my baby." Slightly embarrassing.
Feeling cold - The worst feeling ever. In both living rooms at home I have throws folded up under the sofas. Even when the heat is on, I'll sling one over me while watching TV. It amazes me that Irish people behave like they live in the Med. Just when Christmas ends all shops have is little summer jackets. It's still bloody freezing for another five months.
Dirty sinks - They make me want to vomit. I love a pristine sink in bathrooms and kitchen. Hair in a sink is the worst – why oh why can't people just give it a little rinse after they use it?
Spots - You'd think having had them regularly since I was 13 I'd have learned to love them. At 29 I still get them and I'll always have at least one. Maybe it's the chocolate. I've tried everything from teenage Clearasil to crazy expensive creams but nothing works. So now I have to master the art of hiding them.
Hangovers - You look crap, you feel worse, you eat rubbish food, drink lots of fizzy drinks and nothing but a day of pain can save you. Now I rarely have them but when I get one they're usually bad.
'The Republic of Telly' airs Mondays, 9.55pm, RTÉ Two