How do you spell his name?
Forum posters take note, it's neither Dara nor O'Shea. After 17 seasons, you'd think they'd have seen Darragh Ó Sé on enough once-folded A4 programmes for it to be imprinted on their brains.
Why would he be on forums this week?
Put down that schools rugby ball. He brought one of the great GAA careers to an end by announcing his retirement.
How old is he?
He'll be 35 on 1 April. Makes him a Taurus and according to the interweb they are great socialisers and refuse to budge. Mmm. Might be something in that star sign rubbish after all.
I'll try to get you a number for Fergus Gibson but while I'm at it, what do you think was his greatest achievement?
We could talk about the nine Munsters, six All Irelands and three All Stars, but there is something more remarkable than all of those. A man famous for shying away from the media, he finally agreed to talk to Tom Humphries a couple of years back but only if it was done going up the side of a mountain.
Talk about taking a journalist from its natural habitat. With persuasion skills like that, what's next for him?
Well, being from Kerry he could easily tattoo FF across his forehead and end up in the Dáil.
He hardly deserves a life beside O'Donoghue and Jackie. Is there a better future?
He's done enough to get by. You can picture it from here on in. "Three lagers, a Guinness and a Bacardi Breezer. That'll be €19.70 Darragh." "Will you accept a Munster medal for
Presumably the Bacardi Breezer is for Jack O'Connor, but what next for the manager and his Kerry team?
We would ask them but they'd just 'yerra' their way out of it. They are one big pair of boots to fill though. After all, aside from Gerald Kean openly admitting he's from Cork, only Darragh has caused the entire nation of Rebels to have nightmares. For that alone we salute him!