What's this, some new head shop product?
No, Crystal Swing is a family band from East Cork. There's Mammy Mary, and teenage offspring Dervla and Derek.
Am I meant to care about this? Did they win the Choice Music Prize or something?
Watch 'He Drinks Tequila' the video they shot for Rural TV that has become a viral hit since its appearance on Dublin drag legend Panti's blog.
Just watch it. It's either so bad it's good, or so good it's good, or so post-scarcastically devoid of irony that it simultaneously highlights the urban rural divide, amuses, bemuses and confuses in equal measure.
Holy s*** I just watched it, genius! Can't wait to tell everybody about it!
Em, a bit late for that, the video has already been viewed 130,000 times in a week, has been featured or mentioned on most radio stations, and the band are rumoured to be appearing on The Late Late Show next Friday. Oh, and Ellen loves it.
Ellen? As in superstar American chat show host Ellen DeGeneres?
Yes, she tweeted about it on Wednesday night. Crystal Swing is officially global.
Did you say something? I was too busy singing along to 'He Drinks Tequila'...
There's much more where that came from. You can catch more videos of Crystal Swing on their website www.crystalswing.com including a manic version of the Hucklebuck performed in a field.
Relax, seriously. Panti has since gone on to parody the band with a Crystal Shwing video on YouTube, and some enterprising sort has set up the Crystal Swag merchandise store where you can buy Mary mugs and 'lovely aprons' also featuring Mary.
Surely a band perceived as a joke could never forge out a proper music career though, right?
One word my friend: Jedward.
It's okay laughing and having fun at them
but at the end of the day,the song is quite
good and they'll make money.