The Met Ball gunas were strangely disappointing this year, with the only drama coming from two incidents: 1) The news that Terence Koh and Oprah had to coax Lady Gaga – whose hot new 'thing' is stage fright – out of the dressing room, and 2) Holy crap! Look at Christina Hendricks' breasts!
Hendricks plays the secretary Joan Holloway in Mad Men, but that doesn't really matter as her appearance in a successful television drama is merely incidental – the critically acclaimed series is simply a vehicle to show the world her boobs.
Hendricks clearly knows there's gold in them thar boobs, as she is rapidly becoming the posh boy's Pamela Anderson.
Of course, while Hendricks' are real, she's being credited with being the woman who is bringing back curves, and making voluptuous gorgeous. Both men's and women's magazines forget to include the teensy tiny fact that Hendricks' figure is just as unattainable as Pammy's or as any locust-thin model's.
No, Hendricks is not a 'real' woman any more than Kate Moss is, in fact... em, you know... eh... sorry, our eyes got distracted again.