IT'S been a busy time for Tom Cruise, what with getting engaged to actress Katie Holmes and getting squirted in the face with water at the premiere of his new film War of the Worlds.

First there was the engagement party in the south of France, where Katie and Tom partied in an exclusive hotel where Cruise reserved 34 rooms. The bill eventually came to 30,000 for two nights of celebration, but luckily the tab was picked up by his producers on War of the Worlds.

Then at the premiere of the film, after being soaked by a microphone-shaped squirt gun, Cruise chastised the camera crew responsible and detained them until security guards showed up and arrested them.

Tom's spirits were not dampened, although his young fiancee's might have been when he took her on a trip to Madrid to meet his ex-girlfriend Penelope Cruz and her family.

Cruise has been behaving rather oddly of late, and the once intensely private actor is now publicly flaunting his personal life. Even his exwife Nicole Kidman, has said recently of Cruise's recent behaviour, "In terms of your life, if you start to exploit it, then what's real and what's not? If Tom's in love, I'm happy for him."

Well, they do say love can make you crazy.