IT seems the past really is prologue, as Gandhi is on all lips this week. First of all Jennifer Aniston has had some of his words of wisdom embroidered into her jeans ("I have nothing new to teach the world" . . . don't be so hard on yourself Rachel, I mean Jen) and now Tara scary nipple Reid has likened her boob flashing earlier this year to shooting the Indian peacenik.

You may or may not remember Reid's red carpet faux pas at P Didyouchange yournameagainy's 35th birthday. Reid suffered a severe wardrobe malfunction, exposing a major nipple scar on her left breast.

"People act like it was the worst crime in the world, " said 'party girl' Reid. "It was a mistake, you know, " she gasped, adding, "but you would think my boob had popped out and shot Gandhi."

It is not yet clear whether a resurrected Mahatma attended the New York bash. Reid has all but admitted to having breast implants ("everybody gets it done, " she says, excusingly), which would explain how her scarred beauties swelled from an A to D cup in a matter of days.

Her latest revelation, almost a year after the infamous party, is the first time she has broken silence on the buxom blowout. Reid, currently filming her TV show, Wild On Tara, was pictured recently with a bruised torso, leading to speculation that the American Pie star had returned under the knife.

Whatever about Tara's tum, she assures her fans (? ) that she won't be flashing unintentionally anymore.

"My hooters are under control, " chirped the strawhaired bombshell. "I'm taped up now, totally. I'm using double tape. Double double tape. My boobs are going nowhere again."

Nowhere, apart from a rumoured Playboy spread, that is. According to Tara, Hugh Hefner's mag has offered her "millions."