Fianna Fail's Ned O'Keeffe has been named as the top expenses earner in the Dáil. According to today's newspapers, the Cork TD's annual claims were more than €75,000 - coming to a total of nearly €305,000 since 2005. Fine Gael's Pat Breen also topped the €300,000 mark, filing expenses of just over €301,000 in the last four years. Of the top 10 expense claimants in the Dail, five are Fine Gael TDs, three come from Fianna Fail and there are two independents. More than €31 million has been paid out to deputies in expenses over the past four years. A further €10.5 million was claimed by Senators. The biggest expense claims ranged between €280,794 and €304,137 for the period between 2005 and 2009. Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny makes the top 10, expensing to the tune of €285,277 during that time.