ANGLO Irish Bank had €1.9bn on deposit with Irish Life & Permanent (IL&P) at the end of 2009, more than double the amount at the end of the previous year.

The figure was disclosed in Irish Life's annual report for 2009, which was published last week. At the end of 2008, Anglo had deposits of €905m with Irish Life. According to the report, Irish Life has €2m of deposits with the now-nationalised bank.

Anglo and Irish Life are under investigation over a switching arrangement they entered into in 2008 that appeared to boost Anglo's deposit base.

"As we stated clearly at that time, the transactions which took place were wrong and should not have taken place. The board was not advised of the transactions as it should have been and it would not have given permission for them to take place if it had been so advised," IL&P said in the report. "Those events led to the swift resignations of three senior executives from the group which was a critical first step in responding to this crisis."

The report also shows that former chief executive Denis Casey, one of the executives to depart because of the Anglo controversy, repaid a loan of €228,000 when he left. The loan was secured against his principal private residence.