Describe your typical day?

Drop my daughter to playschool, return home and spend the morning calling active employers and recruitment agencies. Collate website content, liaise with my partners and our service providers. In the afternoons I try to set aside a few hours each day to do something interactive with my daughter and then it's back to working on the website.

And your not-so-typical day?

I do take a break on Sundays until 6pm when the work starts again for the outline plan for the week ahead and the review of the week gone and what has and has not worked in our marketing campaign.

We also review all suggestions from jobseekers on a Sunday to see how we can improve our service and website and email our web developers what needs to be changed or improved on our site, so when they arrive to work Monday morning they can proceed to implement the changes during their working week. Creating and running your own business is not for the faint hearted especially in the current market.

What's the worst job you've ever done?

Cleaning and sweeping car parks in McDonalds in the early 90's. It provided me with money to pay for flying lessons and that's all that counted.

Best job advice you ever received?

Don't fly long haul, because living out of a suitcase and hotel is not fun.

Short haul flying gets you home nearly every night and remember the view from the cockpit window is the same weather you fly a short or long haul jet.

Advice for anyone looking to open a business?

Talk to everyone you know to get ideas, feedback, and contacts. It's all about who you know and what expertise you can gain from their life experience. Be willing to change and swiftly adapt your business model to current conditions and as one of my old bosses taught me (Michael O' Leary, Ryanair), cost cut everywhere…if you don't need it ,get rid of it.

Name your dream job – real or fantasy?

Flying the boeing 737 part time, 5/6 days a month at full time pay(the perfect combination…so each day you have to work you really look forward to) so I have time to do all the fun stuff like travel and start new businesses!

Fantasy dinner companion and why?

My fiancé. She is my best friend and business partner. We have the same sense of humour and never run out of things to talk and debate about. We could spend the evening talking from politics to toilet roll and still keep each other entertained.

Favourite sporting event of all time?

World cup 1990 …the whole country was united and we were all part of Jacks' army.